Our Vision
Our vision is to make The IPS functioning as an intellectual pursuit of high degree excellence for the all round development of the students. The projects we have undertaken are result oriented & worthy of exposing the talent of the child through various innovative, educational & progressive activities.
Most conspicuous emblem of our civility is our schools.
Society transmits its culture down the generation by getting its children equipped with knowledge and information about the art & science of living. Children are sheet anchors of the society. The glow on their faces reflects hopes & aspirations of the nation.
Delicate as a rose petal & pure as morning dew, we need to handle them with extreme care & caution for making them socially responsible & resolute persons equipped with the ability to face the challenging environment during the new millennium.
The vision & these principles of the institution set a specific duty for the staff & students towards the highest ideas of humanism & service to god & their countrymen which they are perpetually called upon to serve.
The school endeavor is to impart education through the latest trends & modern simplified methods of teaching in congenial environment that is conducive to all round development & intellectual stability of the students in becoming spiritually mature human beings with a love for learning to gain excellence in the field, to be courageous & unselfish towards their fellow being.
It also induces in the student the principles of social justice, equality of opportunity & respect for the religious & moral values enshrined in the constitution of India which are applicable & open to all races.